Candidate Steptoe's Letter to Ward 5 Statehood Green Party Registrants
Dear Ward Five Statehood Green Party Registered Voter:
I write seeking your support and your vote on Tuesday, September 12, 2006, when District of Columbia registered voters will select the nominees of their respective parties to run in the general election in November. This election is a very important election. It will bring in a new mayor, a new chairperson and as many as seven (7) new council members. As voters, we face a choice of more the same failed policies or new, energetic leadership focused on insuring that all of our citizens enjoy the benefits of the economic revitalization of our city.
Perhaps one of the most important issues facing voters in this election is how the city handles economic development. The current uncritical commitment to development has brought baseball for the metropolitan area, but no jobs for our residents; luxury condos, but no affordable housing; new commercial establishments, but no city hospital or recreational facilities or improved schools that offer quality liberal arts and vocational education. In a city where almost forty percent (40%) of the residents read at or below the third grade level, where one in twenty (1 in 20) residents is infected with HIV/AIDS, where crime is out of control and where decent, affordable housing is increasingly out of reach for many of our citizens, we need strong, knowledgeable and committed representatives to address these and other social problems plaguing our city. If elected, I am committed to provide that representation to all the residents of Ward Five.
On Tuesday, September 12, 2006, please cast your vote for Carolyn C. Steptoe, number 1 on the Statehood Green Party ballot so that together we work to ensure that all of our citizens equitably share the benefits of our city's revitalization. I would be honored to receive your support and would consider it a sacred trust as we move forward together to make this a better ward and city for all residents.
Carolyn C. Steptoe
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