Carolyn Steptoe speaks on issues affecting Ward 5 and the city at large.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Let's Make Ward 5 Election History

On Tuesday, November 7, 2006
Make Ward 5 Election History
Democrat, Republican, Independent and Statehood Party Members VOTE

Carolyn has a proven record of commitment and hardwork on behalf of the Ward 5 residents in battling special interests and government initiatives that are contrary to interests of the Ward 5 community.

Carolyn will bring to the council compassion, empathy and genuine public service that demands all residents of Ward 5 share equitably in the city’s growing prosperity.
Carolyn will work tirelessly to improve the quality of education (including adult and vocational education) and recreation facilities.

Carolyn will demand that development not be at the expense of long-term citizens who wish to remain in our community.

Carolyn will insist upon clean, beautiful and environmentally-safe neighborhoods, crime reduction, workforce training, access to healthcare facilities and that our senior citizens are safe in their homes and neighborhoods.

Carolyn will work with civil, religious and private sector groups to bring to bear community resources to help our neighborhoods achieve their maximum potential.